Waking Up with Sore Neck, What Can I Do?

Waking Up with Sore Neck, What Can I Do?

Waking up with neck pain is not how you want to start your day.  A bad mood sets in quickly and simple movements become painful too!

So what causes neck pain?

There are many factors involved, and most of them are controllable too. This means by making some changes you may be able to alleviate the pain at once

Sleeping on your stomach

We all have our favorite sleeping positions. But AVOID sleeping on your stomach, because then your neck will be twisted to one side for hours, straining your neck muscles, making them sore and stiff in the morning.

Using the wrong pillow

Your head and neck spend many hours on your pillow, an unsuitable one can create tension in your neck muscles, and even cause chronic pain. 

That's why we created Purpose Sleep™ Deep Sleep Pillow, designed by world top sleep experts to develop a pillow that supports your head, shoulder and back properly, creating a perfect sleeping posture throughout the night. Sounds too good to be true? Just try our pillow for 30 nights, completely risk-free! If you're not fully satisfied we'll simply take it back - no questions asked!

Previous Injuries

Not all types of injury always hurt at first, like whiplash or sports causes, the actual physical effects may only be felt days later. So you might go to bed feeling ok but waking all sore and painful

Bad Daytime Posture 

If you hunch over using a laptop, spend hours looking at a computer or television without changing position, it could lead to neck pain too. So make sure you have a more healthy and active lifestyle and look after your well beings